Sunday 3 August 2014


Integrity. Credibility.  So people may believe you. So your word may be trusted...

I'm sure you've noticed that in our day and age integrity is a scarcity. Open the newspaper,  watch the news on  TV, listen to people talking - wherever you look there are dishonest business transactions,  underhandedness,  fraud and scheming behind people's backs; and this is not only found in the business world, but also in the sports world. It happens in examination rooms and in relationships.  It is active amongst Christians and amongst those who want to have nothing to do with the Lord.

Continue for more after the cut...

Does society still have a place for a person of integrity? Can one make a success living a life of integrity? I'm sure you have asked yourself these questions.  Would not it be better for me to also lie and deceive? Is that not actually the only way to survive? Is that not in the end the only means to secure success,  progress and achievement? 

No! I dare you to live with integrity! It is certainly not going to be easy path to walk everyda, but let me tell you something: people always respect a person thay know they can trust. Maybe they do not have much credibility themselves but they certainly recognise integrity and they appreciate what they see.

How does one live with integrity? Always tell the truth. Don't give in to temptation to exaggerate a story, be known as a person who is always honest and upright.  Don't give people the opportunity to doubt the honesty of your intentions.  

In the event of accidentally receiving too much change from a shop assistant,  return the surplus.  Don't take part in a conversation where a person's name is slandered.  You would not like it if the same was done to you, would you? Be open and honest in your relationships.  Don't scheme behind people's back. Let people know exactly what they can expect of you. In this way you will build a reputation as a person living with integrity.

Author: Francois Retief
Book: I DARE YOU... To make the right choice!!

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