Friday 23 May 2014


The past 6-8 months have not been easy on Black Coffee, with rumours that he is cheating on his wife Mbali Mlotshwa. 

Black Coffee, a Music DJ & Mbali, an actress,  got married in 2011. You would have thought that his marriage to the beautiful Mbali, would cause him to hang his player- jacket up but "ikhofu elimnyama" aint about that life, well that's if the rumours are true.
continue for more after the cut...

In 2013, Phaledi Makhola got tired of being a side chick and threatened to spill the beans, but said she would keep shut if the couple paid her an amount between R3 500 - R20 000.  When the pair refused, she went to the papers and spilled beans. 

Phaledi Makhola,  apparently a model (everyone is a model these days hahaha),  allegedly stalked Mbali in an attempt to mark her mistress territory.  


According to Drum Magazine, Black Coffee did not learn from his mistress saga and has done it "again". Another fed up mistress (name unknown at this stage) has decided to spill the beans again. I'm however unsure if she thought Black Coffee was going to divorce Mbali & officially make her his girlfriend or even marry her. These mistresses don't know their places though shm..

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