Sunday 27 July 2014


Way back when we were kids, this is how we challenged one another: Jump from the local swimming pool's highest diving board.  Go knock on that nasty old guy's front door or go fetch the ball from the yard with the big dog. Is being dared not after all part and parcel of life itself? Who wants to eke out a grey, boring  existence when your days flow with unterrupted ease?

Continue for more after the cut...

When you grow up there will still be challenges, they only present themselves in different forms. The challenges you face then will be more in the line of principles and viewpoints rather than nasty old men or scary dogs. The choices grow more complicated than merely deciding whether you have the guts to bunk school, or not. The consequences of how you handle those challenges will also become more and more radical. The way you live your life, how you handle moral issues,  is after all much, much more important to prove that you are able to swim the whole length of the swimming pool under water without coming up for air.

I want to dare you to start reflecting on value systems, and principles and on your own lifestyle.  It's actually life itself that will be challenging you. From day to day you experience situations where you are, as it is being gauged, where others are rating you. I'm sure you know: The Lord Himself is part of every single one of those challenges.  His gospel dares you to live as Jesus lived.

It will definitely not always be easy. There will be times when you will have to take a deep breath before jumping.  Your heart will beat a lot faster and your nerves will nag. But one thing you must be aware of: it will always be worthwhile to live the way God demands of you.

Author: Francois Retief
Book: I dare you to make the right choice

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