Tuesday 25 November 2014


Continue for more after the cut...

According to a Sunday World report, Belinda Booi, the principal and owner of Cosmo Primary School in Alberton, south of Joburg, allegedly told some learners during lessons that "the ANC are a bunch of fools and blacks would still be living in caves and wearing skins if it was not for the Dutch."

A number of pupils from the school wrote to the Gauteng Department of Education to complain about racism at the school.

When contacted for comment, Thabo Ramollo, the school's legal Representative, refused to comment proclaiming that the matter was under investigation by the department and would only make a statement once government has made public their findings.

Departmental spokeswoman Phumla Sekhonyane confirmed they are investigating the allegations against the school.
"The department is aware of the matter and is extremely concerned about the alleged conduct of the school," she said
"The school is registered as an Independent, but the district is now handling the matter and has initiated an investigation into the matter," she added
"The department will await the outcome of the investigation before taking any action. We remain committed to creating school environments that are free from any form of racism and discrimination," she further added.
Read the excerpts from the report:
"She had told [the] learners that Nelson Mandela was a murderer and a piece of rubbish who lied about ever going to jail. My brother would always come back from school confused and challenge what we had taught him about the history of black South Africans."
"She [also] told them no black South African had ever invented anything, suggesting that white is a superior race," reads the letter.
"After the national elections, she told another pupil [in front of the whole class] that 'your sister obviously voted for the ANC, a bunch of fools'," reads the letter. 
"Pupils in different Grades attend lessons in one classroom, so when Booi was teaching pupils in another Grade that Mandela was a Satanist, my child was listening," she said.
Another parent Nkaiseng Makhetha also wrote a letter to the department complaining about racism at the school. "
"My daughter Amu told us that they were told to not mention Mandela's name because he was a murderer and shall not be celebrated at all," she claimed.

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