Tuesday 15 July 2014


Chris Brown's on and off girlfriend emotionally opened up about her love triangle with Chris Brown & Rihanna during an interview on Just Keke, hosted Keke Palmer.

continue for more after the cut...

on the drama surrounding the triangle, she said:
“The reason why people tuned into this so much was because it’s relatable. It’s the case of the ex. We all go through it. In this case, my boyfriend is a celebrity whose ex-girlfriend is even bigger… so, not only am I fighting a battle with her, I’m fighting a battle with her 14 million fans or however else.
Imagine how that feels for me when I gotta get on Twitter and I gotta see a whole bunch of stuff. They make up all kinds of crazy stuff and it’s like they know nothing about me.”

On how she was able to move forward through all the drama:
“Just keeping a level head and positivity. I’ve never dated a celebrity before so it was very new to me. Paparazzi and all that. And then, even the situation with Rihanna, you know the reason why people tuned into this so much was because it’s relatable. I have girlfriends, I have family who’s gone through the same situation. It’s the case of the ex. We all go through it, do you know what I’m saying? But, however…in this case my boyfriend is a celebrity who’s ex-girlfriend is an even bigger [celebrity]…Do you know what I’m saying? So, not only am I fighting a battle with her, I’m fighting a battle with her 14 million fans or however else. So, imagine how that feels for me when I gotta get on Twitter and I see a whole bunch of stuff…”

On what was the hardest part:
“Um, jeez. I guess I would say the heartbreak because it was a real situation” as she starts crying

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