Saturday 22 November 2014


Continue for after the cut...

Beyonce recently released a new single titled "Ring Off", and it seems to be about her mother finally walking out the marriage after all the lies, crying and trying to make it work. Bey and Solange have cut all links from their father, who has two other illegitimate children with two different women. Mathew Knowles was not even invited to Solange's wedding.

Read an extract from the lyrics below:

"Mama, I understand your many sleepless nights
. When you sit and you think about Father. 
Or how you tried to be the perfect wife/ You used to dress and fix your hair
. Then you smiled through your tears
. In the mirror you would stare
. And say a prayer Like, “I wish he said I’m beautiful
. I wish it didn’t hurt at all. 
I don’t know how I got here. I was once the one who had his heart”/Until you had enough then you took that ring off. 
You took that ring off. 
So tired of the lies and trying, fighting, crying. 
Took that ring off
. Oh, now the fun begins
. Dust yourself off and you love again. 
You found a new man now you shine and you’re fine
. Like it’s my time, you took that ring off..."

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